Hangzhou 杭州

Quotes: "Born in Suzhou, live in Hangzhou, eat in Guangzhou, die in Liuzhou."
"There is heaven above, but there is Su(zhou) and Hang(zhou) below." (上有天堂,下有苏杭)

~ Show: 'Night of West Lake' 西湖之夜 ~

Hangzhou Art Festival: The performance held from September 2005 - April 2006.
The performance is based on Hangzhou West Lake culture and stories, eg: LiangSanBo & ZhuYingTai, etc.

Not only pay attention on the performance but also the background changing, eg: West Lake lotuses, MeiJiaWu, etc.

The show was about 1 hour which required RMB200.

~ YueFei Temple 岳飞庙 ~
Jing Zhong Bao Guo which means absolute loyalty and devotion to one’s country.

1: 500 years old tree.
Story of “尽忠报国”:在岳飞庙里,我们发现墙上有两个错字(尽,国)。

~ MeiJiaWu Longjing Tea Plantation 龙井之乡梅家乌 ~

Hangzhou is said to produce the finest green tea in all of China.
Longjing means dragon well, a well which contains relatively dense water, and after rain the lighter rain-water floating on its surface sometimes exhibits a twisting boundary with the well-water that resembles the movement of a traditional Chinese dragon.

 Longjing (龙井) or Dragon's Well tea is still baked by hand. 中国国茶:西湖龙井。
The tea is full of Vitamin C and tea leaves can be eaten as well. 杭州人喝茶不叫“喝茶”,杭州人是“吃茶”。

MeiJiaWu was the HK drama
(ChaShiGuXiangNong 茶是故乡农)'s shooting place.
Thank You Culture: 用手指在桌上敲三下 = 谢谢你(杭州人说:“Jiă Jiā 你”) vs
Hangzhou Chicken Soup: 杭州人煲鸡汤是不去皮的

~ Restaurant & Hotel ~

1: Lunch at TianWaiTian(天外天) | 2 & 3: Hotel at www.m-inn.cn
There are 3 famous restaurants in Hangzhou: TianWaiTian, ShanWaiShan(
山外山) and LouWaiLou(楼外楼).

Dongpo's Pork Trivia: It is said that, once during his free time, Su Dongpo decided to make stewed pork out of boredom. Then an old friend visited him in the middle of the cooking and challenged him to a game of Chinese chess. Su had totally forgotten of the stew during the game until a very fragrant smell came out from his kitchen and he was reminded of it. Thus Dongpo's Pork, a famous dish in Chinese cuisine, was discovered by accident. [source]

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